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This version was saved 5 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Christian Jessop
on November 6, 2018 at 2:12:30 pm


  Monroe High School 


Girls Track and Field  






Welcome to the Monroe High School Girl's Track and Field program.  Please review the right side of the screen.  Within the navigator menu there is several important and helpful topics.  Also, stay tuned for any important announcements.  We are looking forward to having a successful season.


Monroe Girl's Track and Field Coaching Staff


Winter Track Cleared Roster

Cleared From Nurse / Contract to Coach Jessop / Signed up for Remind

Winter Track Cleared Roster.pdf

(list will be updated daily)



Purchasing Uniform Top Information


Uniform tops are for sale.  The top will be brand new.  This is the style that we will be utilizing for the next few years.  THIS IS NOT MANDATORY but is an option.  All athletes that do not purchase a uniform top will be given one that is returned at the end of the season. 


To purchase uniform = LAST DAY NOVEMBER 26 TH


Cost = $37.  Checks must be written out to MTHS Booster Club.


Bring check to me ONLY.  Tell me your size at that time.





Style - Armourfuse Compression (Runners) or Looser (Throwers)





Follow on Remind = Mandatory

Get announcements right to your cell phone.


  • No Account Needed
  • Text @mthstrack to 81010
  • You will get announcements in text message format.
  • I will never see your cell phone number! 



Follow on Twitter = Optional

  • Follow = @monroetrack 




Follow on Instagram = Optional

  • Follow = mths_track





Baseline Impact Test:

**Test is good for 2 years**

Follow the link to complete:









"Few of us know what we are capable of doing... we have never pushed ourselves hard enough to find out."
        - Alfred A. Montapert





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