Monroe High School
Girls Track and Field
Welcome to the Monroe High School Girl's Track and Field program. Please review the right side of the screen. Within the navigator menu there is several important and helpful topics. Also, stay tuned for any important announcements. We are looking forward to having a successful season.
Monroe Girl's Track and Field Coaching Staff
NJSIAA = Winter Sports Guidelines
Latest news from NJSIAA regarding Winter Sports:
Return to Play Update - Final Season 2 and Season 3.pdf
NJSIAA Winter Discount Flyer = Dick's Sporting Goods
NJSIAA Winter Discount Flyer.pdf
Girls Winter Track Cleared Roster = Last update = 11/20
Winter Track Cleared Roster.pdf
Winter Track Girls Team Contract Form = Due 11/30
Turn-in = Schoology = Join Course Code = PVTC-KJ4V-JMG5J
Girl's Winter Track Contract Form.pdf
Tryout Information
Winter Track Tryouts = February 1st / 2nd = Runners must attend both days
Drop off-Temperature check-in location (Stay in vehicle until checked in) = Tennis Courts
Seniors / Juniors that drive = get checked in and then drive around to stadium parking lot
*Everyone in car must have a mask on*
Health Survey Must be Completed Each Day prior to the end of the school day = (Survey link to be posted here)
2/1 = Mid-distance/Distance = 800m =
2:30 check-in, gather-warm-up End Zone (closest to Tennis Courts) in Stadium
start = 2:45 p.m. = Completed/Ride pick-up = 3:30 p.m.
Sprinters = 100m / 55m =
3 pm check-in, gather-warm-up far End Zone (near field house) in Stadium
start = 3:30 p.m. = Completed / Ride pick-up = 4:30 p.m.
Throwers = TBA events for tryouts =
2:45 check-in, gather-warm-up in middle of the Football Field in Stadium
start = 3:15 p.m. = Completed / Ride pick-up = 4:15 p.m.
2/2 = Sprinters/Mid-distance = 400m =
2:30 check-in, gather-warm-up End Zone (closest to Tennis Courts) in Stadium
start = 2:45 p.m. = Completed/Ride pick-up = 3:30 p.m.
Distance = 1600m =
2:45 p.m. check-in, gather-warm-up far End Zone (near field house) in Stadium
start = 3:15 p.m. = Completed / Ride pick-up = 4 p.m.
Throwers = TBD if 2nd day is needed
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- Download the Remind App to your iPad and search @mthsthrows
- Text @mthsthrows to 81010
- No Account Needed
- You will get announcements in text message format.
- We will never see your cell phone number!
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"Few of us know what we are capable of doing... we have never pushed ourselves hard enough to find out."
- Alfred A. Montapert
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